Glammed up Gingham

While procrastinating around the internet the other day, I came across Lauren Conrad’s–I know, I know, she’s the best and has perfect hair always–collaborative blog. She recently did a “Tuesday Ten” post about style tips for May and one of the pieces she highlighted was a gingham shirt. 1d209ae850fad806aa153b81954b3747And BAM just like that the power of suggestion made me want to love my gingham shirt again! But if we’re being honest, I feel a little farm girl Susie when I just wear it with jeans. Maybe it’s because mine isn’t slouchy enough, or a brighter blue, but I do not feel as chic as that femme up there clearly does. So I did what any good J. Crew loving fashion blogger would do, I added a statement earring. photoEver since the whole statement necklace trend came on the scene I’ve been obsessed. Complete an outfit with one accessory? Count me in. But let’s be honest again here for a second, those statement necklaces can be heavy…and hot when it’s over 70 degrees. Enter the statement earring! Another plus is these beauties tend to be a couple dollars less than their necklace sisters–win win.

The ones I’m wearing I picked up at Francesca’s a few months ago. I love the colors and mix of textures, surprisingly, that’s what makes them so wearable. Here are a few others I’ve been crushing on to get me through the rest of the summer (all photos linked to sources)….

ba4ffac5d81e48dc66af3f38c817f97b similarcab4b1af23351247b37da39f8e07e1e7 5192fda0577fbca4f8c26b84eaffc0fd d2548fddd163c6514d9e03c9052aaf78 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA These last two are from my dear friend Lonnie’s shop. She collects gorgeous handcrafted, one of a kind pieces from all over the world. Do yourself a favor and spend some time in her online shop and find something truly unique.

Words of wisdom…because it’s Monday


213b40e3af8855887a712993f974e020 Beautiful typography

8577b39717892881fe09f68e31e36edc81cadfb483e6c2569c91117a444db682 158dd901cee15df034dfb817e8891fb3

We can all learn something from dear Rory, the chronic over planner…06f4a03fb9c8a6060afea55e31e08d7b Never get bogged down in someone else’s crazy… 4612e5b85a0aa0a84cead1f84074afb8

Because sometimes Mondays are just hard. And I think “not my circus. not my monkeys.” will be the perfect new catchphrase.



photo 6

jacket- Old Navy (old, but similar), top- Pleione via TJ Maxx (similar), jeans- J. Crew factory (old, but similar), shoes- Bandolino (similar, love these), headband- anthropologie (similar), clutch- thrifted, watch- c/o Timexphoto 4 photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 5 photo 8


Well friends, it’s been awhile. I’ve been hibernating. Not really, but sort of. Let’s be real, I wore clothes everyday, and the majority of them were cute. But ice and snow do not make for good photos. If you think I’m squinting here, you should see my there’s-ice-in-my-eye-ow-ow-ow face. Not good, folks. Not good.

But now that it’s warming up around here I hope to be a little more frequent with these posts. No promises signed and in writing or anything, but you could probably plan on checking back in over here a little more often.

About the outfit though. I needed something easy for a Friday, the long awaited “on Friday’s we wear jeans” day. I truly hope you flashed back to Mean Girls for a second there. If not, I can wait. Go ahead, click the link and relive it. Good? Okay, then. I was feeling a little bit boho, a little bit aztec. I love the subtle design on this top, and it this cobalt blue it’s perfect. It’s a punchy color without being neon. Attention grabbing without the bite.  The last thing of importance is, yes, I do actually know I’m shockingly pale. You should see my legs.


2013 was a big one


2013 was a big one you guys. Driving home from the office today I found myself thinking about what all happened this year. The obvious one is that I married my very best friend, and I will always remember 2013 for that. But what about everything else? As much as I want to remember 2013 for getting married, I want to remember it for more than that. Because you guys, regardless of my most diva like days, 2013 was not all about my wedding. You’re shocked, I know.

I had some pretty big personal changes and adventures this year that had nothing to do with getting married. Like getting my first “adult job” (I should find a different phrase there maybe), losing that first job, and then by the grace of God getting my second job. Which is entirely different than the first in so many ways. But more on that later, I promise.

My mom, my sister and I traveled to San Francisco, our first cross country trip. That was an adventure and a half. Let me tell you, SF is nothing like NYC or London. Don’t compare them, it’s a completely different and beautiful city. My little kid sister started college (trust me it’s still super weird), my husband graduated from college, several sweet friends got married, oh and I had to start paying all my own bills (with the help of husband of course). This year I became what I always called a “grown up” when I was little and I realized that I had no idea what that really meant. So cheers to 2014 and wherever life takes us next!

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Deck the Halls

Holiday Decor collagePJ and I did some Christmas decor shopping this weekend, so I thought it would be fun to share some of the ideas I’m inspired by right now. This will be the first Christmas PJ and I will spend together ever. Even when we were dating we never were able to spend Christmas together, so needless to say we are crazy excited and going all out this year. I’ll be adding pictures of our finished decorations as soon as we get it all up. Until then, I hope this gets you in the spirit! And obviously all this is from Pinterest, check out the entire board here.

Autumn Roses-an outfit post

DSC_0007Husband and I took these photos last weekend while scouting out engagement photoshoot locations for someone. I love the mix of colors in this outfit, Husband requested the purple tights and it just grew from there! Also, a special thanks to Timex for the lovely watch, I so appreciate it!DSC_0010DSC_0019 DSC_0033 DSC_0114Jacket (Target-old), dress (H&M-old), boots (Carlos Santana), scarf (H&M-old), sunglasses (Ray-Ban), watch (Timex- c/o ; similar)DSC_0117DSC_0142A ballerina moment. When in a field, do what 12 years of ballet have taught you right?DSC_0169DSC_0135

Texture play- an outfit post

DSC_0171 DSC_0176 DSC_0172 DSC_0183 DSC_0180 DSC_0182 DSC_0188sweater (Forever 21-old), button down (Target), vest (Forever 21-old), pants (J Crew), booties (Old Navy- old)

I pulled this together yesterday for the first really cold day of the fall/winter transition. I love an embellished collar right now, especially with a chunky knit sweater. I’ve seen a few detachable collars recently and I’m tempted to buy one. It would definitely solve a few wardrobe problems that can come with button downs and sweaters.

Big Changes

It’s been a while internet friends. And I’m hoping to have some big changes to share with you in the next few weeks (or months), but really all you need to know is that it means I should be blogging more regularly beginning in 2014. Praise the Lord. It’s going to be scary for a little while, but hopefully good in the end since I’ll be doing more of what I love.

So, in the meantime here are a few Insta’s and photos from life lately! IMG_5545Delicious date nightsIMG_5701

We’ve been using the heck out of our fireplace lately. Such a fun way to make a weeknight a bit more exciting. And yeah, I have way took much stuff on my mantle. IMG_5696A fiery dirty windshield sunsetIMG_5689 IMG_5671This is my cat. She is getting all kinds of fat…IMG_5656Playing with texture combinations for fallIMG_5629Trying to work out a gallery wall layout. This was version 3, I think. I’m way too OCD for this nonsense.


The other bit of my life

You all know that fashion and style are the main focus of this blog and really something that I love and enjoy. But the other half of my life, and the area my job really focuses on, is home decor and design. I work for a high end exotic flooring company and we just got back from High Point Furniture Market. Always fun, always exhausting. So, I suppose (since outfit photos have been few and far between) I’ll show you guys a little of my favorite bits from the showroom I spent the most time in. Enjoy!

This is the flooring the company I work with sells. Just so you’re informed :)

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And there you have it! I love seeing the similarities between what’s happening on the runway and what’s happening in the home. Hello studs, cobalt, and slightly 70’s esque lines! Also, yes I am obsessed with the pink water color wallpaper, how did you know? I would like to cover my life in it. All of the water color prints and wallpaper is by Black Crow Studios. Tracy Hiner, the owner and artist in charge, is super awesome, check her out!

All of the furniture is CR Laine for the most part (it’s super comfy) so if you’re in a place to do some redecorating be sure to check them out.

xo Happy Monday!

The things I cannot afford

I almost called this post “fall lusting”, but then I decided to just be honest. So, if your budget is like any normal person’s do not expect to be able to afford any of these things. This is my disclaimer, now go procrastinate and find look alikes at better prices! You’re welcome, I just filled your Wednesday.

sweater and jeans

1. I’ve already told you, I’m obsessed with finding an oxblood sweater. Sadly this one is already gone. But it was on Piperlime.

2. A wear everyday pair of relaxed skinny jeans. {Piperlime}


3. A comfy weekend dress for those days that summer is still hanging on. {Monrow}


A dress that easily transitions from the office to drinks. 4. I’ve been eying this dress for ages! {Erin Fetherston} 5. Another option, the same basic effect but a boxier silhouette {River Island}


6. This is yet another item I’ve been swooning over. Originally, I wanted it in pencil skirt form, but ya know beggars can’t be choosers, and this one is under 100 (barely). {Asos}

vince jacket 2

7. And last but definitely not least (in lust level and price) is this Vince leather jacket. It’s the things dreams are made of. {Vince jacket} also seen here {Cheetah is the New Black}