about me.

wild roses: I suppose this blog started simply because I was bored and craved a place to write and record my thoughts. And my life. It began as just someplace to put pretty words and stories floating around in my head, and sometimes it drifts back to that. But at the moment it’s a place to jot down my life adventures and slowly but surely, express my personal style. We’ll see where it goes!

So here are some basics:

Name:   Renee (with or without the accent. it depends how foreign I’m feeling)

Age and such: I’m 21 years old and I just graduated from Appalachian State University. I recently got engaged married to my best friend and the man I love more than anything.

My Life: I am a budding Public Relations professional and have no idea where that’ll take me. I would love a good PR firm in Chicago one day, but also writing for a magazine would be fantastic.

What I Believe: That God created us and loves us, that His hand is in everything. But we aren’t good enough on our own, we have fallen from grace and given into sin. So, “for He so loved the world”, God sent his Son to love us and know us and then sacrifice himself so we could all be heirs and children of God. So I live my life in light of that. It drives my every action and gives me the hope and peace to continue on no matter what happens.

About Me: I’m a goal-oriented, slightly outdoorsy, dancer, writer. Dancing and writing are two of my favorite things in the world.

I recently realized how much I love style and fashion and the way it has changed. I’ve also fallen in love with the way it feels to know you look good and are wearing something fabulous…

So this is my blog about real life, stories, style, and things that I think are funny.

Stay awhile and check it out!

2 thoughts on “about me.”

  1. Great “About Me”! So nice to “meet you”. Thank you for linking up and I look forward to reading your blog in the future : )

  2. Thanks so much! I love the about me link up idea! I look forward to reading your blog too

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